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♦Accompanying communities to  take actions towards their own development

♦Bringing the local population to the point of appropriating the planning process notably tools for the identification, analysis and prioritization of their problems as well as envisaging solutions

♦Support the process of the elaboration/update of the CDP notably in the Participatory Village Diagnosis (PVD) in collaboration with stakeholders (LSO, COPIL, CC, Management committees, Sector Ministries, Councils, Etc.);

♦Follow-up, monitor and evaluate the implementation of local solutions in communities;

♦Help the communities to identify village leaders as well as their capacity building needs;

♦Facilitate the structuring/organization of the communities within the council;

♦Ensure the relay between the council programming and actions identified within each community;

♦Ensures in relation with the local population, villages, associations and management committees (PMC) of the functionality of new and existing infrastructures within the council;

♦Build the capacities of the village leaders (VDA, VDC, PMC…) and coach the population with the aim of bringing in the dynamics of self-promotion which will enable them to be masters of their own development;

♦Identify local solutions which require technical expertise and connect the community concerned to the sector ministry concerned in collaboration with the Mayor;

♦Elaborate a monthly, quarterly, annual action plan which are articulates around the local solutions table;

♦Manage and permanently update a database of local solution measures;

♦Elaborate and submit monthly/quarterly reports to the Mayor, PNDP.


Asangmbene Elvis

Focal Person

Tamanjung Albert

Focal Person

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